Notre solution logicielle d’inventaire des immobilisations, INVENTIMMO

What we do

We provide organizations with our fixed asset inventory software solution: INVENTIMMO
INVENTIMMO is the ideal tool for identifying and controlling organizational fixed assets. It can be interfaced with most existing fixed asset management solutions, which eliminates the risk of entry errors and ensures the integrity of the data processing.
From INVENTIMMO, our clients will be able to precisely identify and locate each of the assets making up their fixed assets registry. They will also be able to plan periodical maintenance for some of the assets (under warranty), start printing inventory labels, carry out multi-criteria searches to facilitate the preparation of reports and effectively plan their next physical fixed assets inventory projects.

Advantages of this solution : - Efficient time saving on physical inventory taking and subsequent reconciliation ; - High level of accuracy and reliability of the results from the inventory process.

Software solution intervention methodology

The process of implementing the integration of our software solution with the client organizations' information system, generally takes place as follows :

Analyze and confirm clients’ needs and expectations ; Analyze the specificities of client organization’s information system ; Validate technical choices conjointly with client IT project teams, in compliance with applicable security standards and interface constraints between systems ; Install our software and integrate data from the last physical inventory ; Train users ; Sign maintenance convention.

implémentation de la solution logicielle dans le système
d’information des organisations

Contact us

With Inventorys, you will always get a solution to the specific challenges you may face while implementing any fixed asset verification project. Our experts are always available to provide you with all the necessary data, insights or experiences to insure your effectiveness in all matters related to physical inventories of fixed assets.

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We offer unique carreer opportunities to seasoned professionals, high-potential junior or even newly graduated candidates as well. In our colaborative and result-oriented work environmnent, you will have the possibility to significantly make a difference in this growing sector by developing sought-after specialized competencies.

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