Service « Full Inventaire »

Full Service Fixed Assets Verification

We confidently carry through all types of fixed assets verification projects from start to finish. Our experts’ total involvement at each steps of the process, guarantees state of the art professional level execution.

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Service de formation, assistance et conseil pour les inventaires des immobilisations

Advisory & Customized Training

In support of all your internal teams, our experts assist organizational stakeholders in developing and implementing of all types of fixed asset inventory projects.

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Service de valorisation des immobilisations

Fixed Assets Valuation Reports

In collaboration with our partners, real estate and furniture appraisers or insurance experts, INVENTORYS supervises the valuation of your fixed assets at their market and/or insurance values.

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Solution logicielle d’inventaire des immobilisations

Integrated Software solutions

Our unique software INVENTIMMO provides the ultimate inteligent and flexible solution for an effective execution of your fixed assets projects.

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Solution matérielle d’étiquetage et d’identification des biens

Fixed Assets Tagging & Tracking

We provide all the necessary equipments for the proper identification and tracking of client organizations' assets: printers, barcode or QR code readers, labels and inventory plates.

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Characteristics of INVENTORYS methodology

Équipe collaborative . Confiance. Compassion.


We collaborate closely with our clients' teams to design custom-made solutions, congruent with their strategic constraints, asking the right questions to find relevant answers.

Développement et maintien des employés.


Through indepth analysis of our clients’ situation, we produce comprehensive reports and formulate the insightful recommendations in order to complete any commissioned projects in the best possible conditions.

Pensée créative. Ingéniosité. Repousser les limites.


We are commited to building enduring partnership with our clients, offering them the services best suited to their needs.

Passion. Persévérance. L'effort conduit au succès.


From the very first engagement, we are commited to work with rigourour and insight, by assigning experienced teams capable of efficiently carrying out the agreed-upon tasks in and off clients sites.

Who are our customers ?

As a fixed fixed assets inventory specialist, we serve a wide variety of clients.

Ranging from state-owned organizations to private commercial banks, or from small and medium-sized businesses to multinationals, our client portfolio attest to the diversity industries where we operate.

Contact us

With Inventorys, you will always get a solution to the specific challenges you may face while implementing any fixed asset verification project. Our experts are always available to provide you with all the necessary data, insights or experiences to insure your effectiveness in all matters related to physical inventories of fixed assets.

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Join us

We offer unique carreer opportunities to seasoned professionals, high-potential junior or even newly graduated candidates as well. In our colaborative and result-oriented work environmnent, you will have the possibility to significantly make a difference in this growing sector by developing sought-after specialized competencies.

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